over time

Xu Baoping Yan Wang reporter Zheng / reports
White Mountain News newspaper in order to ensure that he can safely and longevity, the elderly parents of a son for his son,http://www.yashima-tanuki.net/cgi-bin/tkbbs1/tkbbs1.pl?page_num=1]?%A1%A4%A1%A4?%A1%A4%A1%A4?%A1%A4%A1%A4?%A1%A4%A1%A4?%A1%A4%A1%A4?, please take a fortune teller "lucky" name, not wishing to because of this name,http://www.pseudopodium.org, his son became the object of ridicule classmates , over time, had become withdrawn lively and healthy son autistic up.
August 5 9 pm, Forest Public Security Bureau deputy director Chen Yong Songjianghe door was quietly opened from the outside timidly walked a 50-year-old woman, her mouth to plea for help to her son Yong change of name,http://demo.web300.cn/free8/Review.asp?NewsID=627, and under repeated questioning Yong,http://galaxys.cn/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1291481&fromuid=277769, eager renamed tells the truth.
It turned out that the old man to marry early because of various reasons has no children until the age of 40 before they gave birth to a son soon, son of an old married couple old son came caregivers. Son, 14 years old, there is a street fortune teller passing her house,http://meguru.jp/cgi-bin/joyful/joyful.cgi, the old man let his son forget a hexagram fortune teller, "Sin," said their son's name actually screamed too much, not raise, so The old couple spent 200 dollars seeking "marching" to a name called "long root."
On a high after a "long root" great personality change occurs, originally cheerful, active and healthy,hogan outlet sito ufficiale,http://googemani.seesaa.net, he became sullen and began an old married couple did not mind,tn pas cher, after enter the second year,air max femme pas cher, often to his own son in the house,http://loldiscuss.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1407632, do not want to go to school, do not like and classmates, and rarely communicate with his family,air max femme pas cher, has become increasingly violent temper,http://ydzygy.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=61982, grades plummeted.
The old couple does not feel right to the school to find out quickly, only that the "long root" because of his name, often classmates made fun of, over time, they have inferiority complex, which led to the "long root" character more and more withdrawn.
Upon learning of the special circumstances,christian louboutin homme, Yong Huzhengbumen Bureau immediately assigned to collect evidence related materials, complete the relevant approval procedures, with Fusong Public Security Bureau to coordinate communication Huzhengbumen for old son promptly changed the name, and eliminating all related costs, and recommended that the elderly have to ask a psychiatrist for counseling children.