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WASHINGTON (correspondent reporter Fengqi Xiang Zhou Zechun) Hubei Baokang "burn Murder Case" has progressed recently, September 9, Hubei Baokang County Procuratorate of intentional murder suspect Chang Po approved the arrest.
Chang Po, 45,http://www.imappage.net/bbs/bbs_test.cgi, is the town of Marion County HealthCare flat hole Kawamura a group of villagers. March 13, 7 pm This year, Chang Bao, SUN Wan Mei altercation when the couple cut firewood, and then tussle occurred,http://sos.tn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=73814, Chang Po-wife in the head with a machete blows, and then choke the neck with both hands, with their shoelaces Le neck, killed his wife. That night, Chang Po fear of getting caught, quietly returned to the scene,chaussure nike tn pas cher, the body onto the rivers edge, with sand buried in a stone trough.
To deceive the public,http://oka-jp.seesaa.net, his wife Chang Po phone card loaded onto their phones, fraudulent use of the name and the tone of his wife, and sister were sent to Qidi information, call themselves carry 10 million in cash ready to go to her husband's family to buy a house Yicheng In the car was cheated money,http://www.chepin4s.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=252328, to find the money to go out, and do not tell her husband Chang Po account, more care for her husband. March 18,http://www.057321.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=704803&fromuid=119644, Chang Po to the local police station, said his wife missing SUN Wan America, the home of 10 million in cash missing.
The local public security organs to investigate the case, there has been no progress in the past six months. Until August 9,tiffany milano,http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov, Sun Wanlong again to the police station to reflect its sister missing something, SUN Wan Mei missing before mentioned to his wife and texting thing. SMS around the public security organs to investigate,http://www.xyvip899.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=70155, SUN Wan missing US may gradually eliminated, while Chang Po Murder suspects is growing.
September 1, the public security organs for questioning Chang Po, Chang Po for the fact that his wife confessed to the killing. Chang Po said the evening of March 12, he and his wife quarrel because of household chores, the wife SUN Wan US with 10 million in cash drawer to hold the cage in front of the living room fire to burn vent their anger. He thinks they have taken the money himself, he and she "game" the burn. Soon, 10 million in cash by two men burned to the cleaners.
The next morning, when a dispute again two mountain wood, he killed his wife. In Chang Po identified, the public security authorities found the bodies of victims. Interview notes
After the case occurred,http://memory.happybsday.com, the reporter interviewed the Xiangfan School of Economics and Political Science and Law Department of Qiu Wenhua. Qiu Wenhua indicated that domestic violence is a crime of passion fuse in recent years due to family chores dispute of violent crime are common. Murder case was due to a family dispute triggered by his conviction and sentencing, there is nothing difficult place, it is worth pondering is the prevention of such crimes.
Qiu Wenhua think, often there is no big contradiction between the parties in such cases, only because of trivial disputes caused to each other, by the development of mutual abuse kicking, and finally lead to bloodshed emotional control. The key to prevention of such crimes is to educate citizens in a profound understanding of the dangers of domestic violence, and completely abandon the way of violence to resolve family disputes barbaric. The judiciary should be the case statement,louboutin pas cher, the rule of law to educate citizens through a similar typical case.
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