but she felt that "no matter what kind of job

(Reporter Wang Yi) in a small camp just KTV Road, Chaoyang District,http://www.palau-oerc.net, when a two-day "Japan unveils Princess" Xiaoyun (a pseudonym) on the evening of March 26 claiming to be in the VIP hostesses process, is a Trailing male guests to rape the toilet the next day Xiaoyun report. At present, the police have been involved in the investigation.
Xiaoyun Hebei who divorced a few years ago, because they have to pay the 8-year-old daughter of alimony, March 25, she went to a KTV small camp North of when the "hostess princess." "But when I go to work on the statement, in addition to providing other services hostessing not." But I did not expect to go to work the next day Xiaoyun accident. Xiaoyun said at 22 o'clock on March 26 and more, she was in a private dining room hostess, was filling a lot of wine later, got up to go to the toilet.
"I never thought a male guest followed me into the bathroom." Xiaoyun said that after entering the toilet, male guests will be toilet door locked,nike air max pas cher, like the line against the law. "I tried to push him, yelling for help, but nobody has come and save me,http://lovehote.com/roze/epad/epad.cgi, he later left the toilet, his friend immediately went to the front desk to check out, I was carried back to the rooms in the other princess cried for a long time." Xiaoyun recalled,hogan sito ufficiale, she was going alarm, but other "Princess," she advised that this occupation will be subject to some harassment,http://www.chimagee.jp, things spread bad reputation, best compounding. Xiaoyun was sent home that night colleagues. 8:00 the next morning, she call the police after sober.
Xiaoyun said the report, the relatives of male guests Liu says, "can give a twenty thousand compounding." She did not agree, but Xiaoyun sister does not want things become big, so she compounding. Xiaoyun several times in the subsequent negotiations,http://bbs.jiajiao1000.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=74046, the opening to the other demanded compensation of $ 100,hogan uomo outlet,000 compensation for the two sides to reach an agreement that compensation Xiaoyun,http://www.nippori.net/epad/epad.cgi, explained to the police that he was a voluntary sexual relations with a male guest,scrape hogan outlet,http://ww.futrcommunications.com, not a rape.
"Ten million can buy a woman's self-esteem it?" A few days, Xiaoyun mood level has been difficult to reach an agreement after all the people around her tried to persuade her compounding, but she felt that "no matter what kind of job, has dignity, for the money, swallow, and prostitution is no difference. "Yesterday, she was determined, no compounding.
Currently, she has to do a forensic center injury identify and extract the remnants man was DNA testing.
Yesterday, the reporter was removed in touch with the relatives of male guests Liu, he said, someone men over 20 years old this year, has not yet married. "Some impulse drinking alcohol,http://www.ir.isas.ac.jp, will have these things," the police are looking for him, but his family did not know where he is. Liu said after the incident,nike air max pas cher, they did, and Xiaoyun made compounding, "the other side also agreed that after compounding the case dismissed."
■ lawyers say
Chaoyang expert Zhang Xueli Bar Association lawyers said that if the case is the case of rape, not of minor criminal cases, not possible within the scope of compounding. Zhang lawyers that if the victim also harbored by changing compounding confessions of offenders in police evidence in the case,http://bbs.aiyr.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2885&extra=, victims are likely to constitute the crime of harboring. If you want to get some compensation for the victim, may be made with a civil require suspects to make the necessary compensation.
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