"My daughter did not get a high school diploma

False police officers being counted.
A less than 23-year-old girl in Hunan use two months handedly concocted a member of up to twenty or thirty people, manufacturing, soliciting, selling and advertising graffiti in one large industrial operation of manufacturing and selling false Group. August 25, Jinan police in the gang's hideout manufacture false, false seized more than 15,000, more than 6,000 pieces of fake seals, 100 various types of forged qualification certificates, certificate of title. This is the largest investigation of Jinan in recent years, making and selling false dens.
After more than 70 days fighting day and night, in travel thousands of kilometers, visited the company, more than 20 units,http://www.evcforum.net, the questioning of witnesses, suspects summoned more than 160 people, the Jinan Municipal Public Security Bureau police detachment urban management "8.25" task force successfully cracked this known as "false Jinan first case" of making and selling false major.
Knowingly manufacture, sale, use of false cases against the law, these people are still on the road to delinquency. Their criminal history of how? Manufacturing and selling false huge chain of interest is how it works? See our line coverage.
Young girls organized counterfeiting gang
October 15 this year, is this girl named Linlin 23rd birthday. Just before that day comes 20 days, in a district of Jinan, a rental, and she was in this squat for three days and three nights in the police officers arrested.
In fact, this has a secondary education, Hunan girl as early as two years ago began a career selling false. However, when she Daoxing seems shallow, only a "messenger", the specific job is to pick the boss of manufacturing and selling false information. Later, the boss was arrested, she returned home. Two years later, she returned to Jinan, which is her identity is no longer a "messenger", but the creation of their own making and selling false Group "leader."
Before being arrested, the girl had a chance to change their way of life. After 2005 she followed the trafficking of false boss was arrested, she had to give up this profession was in favor of a shoe factory workers in Guangdong. However, due to various reasons, ultimately chose to return to prostitution.
2009, Linlin spent 20,000 yuan bought a computer from the hands of a fellow, printers, scanners, sealing presses, drying board machines, Checa and other 11 machines of various types of semi-finished and false Sike seal In a district of the city in a rental set up his own "studio." Rush for rich variety and content, she spent three or four thousand dollars to purchase a number of fake stamp from Zhejiang, and carved himself a part.
Hou Linlin was arrested confessed: After "built 'studio', the handle has started giving me false information to charge five people I usually seven or eight o'clock in the evening by phone contact, riding electric car carrying a yellow package, go to a river to get to handle the false information, and then come back to make the next day around 10:00 to make a good false, false seal wrapped separately, contact their appointment time and place to meet, and then ride the electric car distribution to them, and then distribute them to the hands of people who buy a license. "
Linlin is the top group throughout the manufacturing and selling false, her downline is charged to handle false information that five people, a man named Pingping, a man named Yang Yang, a man named Lan, the other two were a one woman man Only the telephone, do not know the name.
Police officers found that these people do engage in illegal sexual activity is very clear that they had little contact with each other between the upper and lower links are mostly single track that person's information to obtain a permit, after the call, the transaction is immediately removed, as far as possible without leaving any traces .
Exasperating mother took the children to do offline
One fellow ocean downline Linlin, 33 years old, with a 1-year-old child when it is captured. This is only a junior high school education were women, had worked in farming chores, played work shoe factory in Guangdong, wanted to do some business back to Jinan, looking for a good few places are not made, together with others embarked on selling fake permit road. Sell perjured basic benefit dinner for her and the children and the children to buy milk.
Ocean sell the false identity cards, birth certificates, two construction division and a health certificate and other certificates. According to her account, many people are buying false driving a car or van to pick up the card.
Pingping is Linlin another one off the assembly line, but also native Hunan. The 35-year-old woman has three children, the biggest 13-year-old, the youngest 3 years old. After graduating from junior high school in the housework at home, with her husband in 2003 to Jinan. Linlin boss when her husband was when cowboys and later sentenced. March 2009 due to manufacturing false Pingping also seized by public security organs, reeducation through labor for one year, because of the children suffering from severe brittle bone disease, unattended,, was executed outside. Since June this year, the mother and son in Jinan temporarily.
Pingping confessed:. "In July, Linlin suddenly called me and said she had to Jinan, his fake certificate repairing equipment, so I gave her false sources I use when my husband had to handle false PHS number used to gather information, followed by the 'customer''s phone, to talk about a good price, then let them ready for photos and information needs, agreed location good joint, I'll get the data back. night Lynn Lin to my house unity removed, the next day she would make a good false to me, I would give about accreditation will permit them to charge a permit fee. "
Pingping also confessed illegal to sell certificates obtained money to spend over the child to see a doctor, "Children are often the disease, because there is no money in time to heal,http://bbs.0736tc.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=10994, you can only look at a simple treatment."
Junior is actually defy small benefit
The so-called "cowboys" is in making and selling false Group play an important role in not only the characters run errands. They are well aware that he was involved in illegal activities, but for a little petty, willing to defy the law.
Xiaoqiang: Male, Hunan, was born in August 1993, junior middle school education. Xiaoqiang spraying system this year but had to do false advertising detained flyover Public Order 15 days, a few days out of the detention center, he was for a woman "on line" work. He called "on-line" for the boss,tiffany milano, the boss never meet him, to give him 1000 yuan per month, then he receives notification of the material making false statements, and to give false evidence in person. And he did the job as well as another with Hunan named 16-year-old boy Wenwen, the two shift system, you do him a break today, tomorrow, he did the rest of you.
Xiaoqiang confessed, each selling false money collected through another person to the boss, I do not know specifically what to use the money,air max tn pas cher, do not know who the boss is,http://www.okaki.ne.jp, "only know the boss is a woman, never seen her, nor know her name, every time the phone contact. " In other words, the whole process of making and selling false, Xiaoqiang just a little "cowboys" who made false,http://www.propellermag.com,scarpe hogan 2015, he did not know; to whom he did not know. His job is to help both sides of the pass, and bears once found will be first captured risks.
Rush graffiti advertising and inducements migrant workers
How people buy false false find sales people? Lengthy account: customer based on their phone numbers to contact spray, and what kind of documents, what documents will apply. So, in the end who is spraying Rush phone number for these criminals do?
Xiaotao,http://www.axiabridge.com/sunbbs/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=13&page=Lastseasonw, male, Taian people, unemployed, was born October 6, 1990, junior middle school education. "October 26 morning, I came Xiaogang and workers in the labor market, such as the living. About 11 o'clock, came a forty seven or eight men, he asked if we would you not live, Xiaogang asked him what living , the man said that painted a false phone number do, painted 30 to 100 dollars, we were to agree, leave each phone number, let's call him in the afternoon. 17:30 into a park east door, I gave him a call, he said he had waiting for us at the door of the north east of the bridge. I Xiaogang to bridge saw the man, he took to the East Gate of the southwest side of the road we were small shop for dinner. dinner, the boss gave us a watercolor pen per person, a barrel of black gold Bird liquid shoe polish and a small piece of paper that says 'Rush' word and contact phone number. around 7:00 pm After dinner, the man took both of us to a small garden in front of the east gate of a park, so we were on the walkway to the marble columns of water splashed graffiti,hogan interactive, I painted the two, Xiaogang painted a Tu After the boss feel okay, they also took both of us to a park north gate, let us turn graffiti on the wall, and that we were waiting for him at the east wall of the head, one would count the money. I Xiaogang along home park near the north gate of the wall began to scribble from east to west, I painted on the spot after more than 10 Jibei captured. "
How much illegal manufacturing and selling false interest
Linlin confessed false production process is not complicated, the national document is printed out by a computer printer, laminator used to give a driver's license, ID card lamination. Seal is made of resin, first printed by a printer,http://jiushu.yunbang.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=218829, and then sun drying board. Generation and second generation ID card is a model, the name and personal data with scanner to the computer, print it out. Military ID and driver's license, etc. are printed by a printer. Make the most of the ID card, more than 10 a day for a long time, came a day seventy-eight. Foreign sales price is: seal 10 yuan, 20 yuan graduation certificate, identity card 30 yuan, 30 yuan military ID, driver's license 30 yuan, 30 yuan disability card and so on.
Linlin said: "The production of these false,christian louboutin homme, false chapter up to one day be able to gain about $ 300, was arrested from July to grossing more than 10,000 yuan." She confessed the words in the end how much credibility? Investigators told reporters that her actual income should be higher than this, to put it less is simply trying to minimize the consequences of crime, to be punished was lighter, but ultimately is a criminal penalty of facts and evidence to determine its outcome.
Linlin made false statements, false Zhang handed off the assembly line there, how much to sell? Look downline lengthy confession: different kinds of documents charges, identity card, driving license generally 100 yuan, the major institutions generally charge 50-80 yuan diploma, and the rest are basically all kinds of documents fee of 100 yuan. Sometimes the cost is much higher than this, as she had been sold to a man named "Susan," the 35-year-old woman's fake ID, charges 150 yuan. A certificate for every ocean to Linlin 20-30 yuan, remaining on all to himself. More than four or five times a day to meet the Office of false information.
Using a false will be detained fine
In the end who buy false,http://www.interactivetools.com, false used to do, to look at the findings of the police officers.
Susan: Female, Jinan, was born in May 1969, is now a shopping mall in Jinan work. She confessed mall recruitment requirements because the age of 35 he overage, so I want to do a fake ID to age piecemeal. One of her colleagues gave her phone number to do false. "At 14:25 on September 24, I received a phone call at home, a woman so I went to the mall to get permits a home ...... I gave her 150 dollars left. Bus to go home, get off after caught by the police. "
Xiao Jun: Male, Jinan. Lover would like to find work mall appliance salesperson, when candidates must provide proof of health was urgently, but it takes a long time to obtain a permit examination, too late, and wanted to do a fake health certificates, do not delay apply. "In mid-September 2009, I found a telephone pole a number .9 Rush opened on 17 May this phone, do consult a health certificate fake how much money, the phone is a southern accent of the woman in the vicinity of the bus station, she said, 150 yuan, 100 yuan after she agreed to bargain. "
Small business: Male, Jinan. After the 1998 study out of the driver's license to work in a taxi company, contact the Office of false child who is buying fake high school diploma, "My daughter did not get a high school diploma, the unit is not hired, they do not want to farming at home." Jinan buy a high school diploma, the skin is red, which has a secondary seal, a principal name of seal, as well as school transcripts.
Wen Wen: Male, Hebei Province, dry individuals. La Hukou for the children to return home to do birth certificate to spend three hundred dollars, but also delay the time to find the Office of false personnel to do a fake birth certificate.
Municipal Public Security Bureau police detachment urban management personnel, use of false and false trading is illegal, should be punished, detained or detained according to the law and impose a fine. According to reports, more than the purchase or use of false personnel are punished accordingly. (Text names are a pseudonym) (Reporter Zhao Yingming)