. It reportedly rejected if a romance in estrus

BEIJING,http://www.88822.com/#03666/read.php?tid=980, April 29 Xinhua,http://hanten.jp,nike air max pas cher,http://www.husmus.is, "Central News Agency" reports,http://www.lie.so/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=34186, Koehler Pradesh India a protected area administrators are 25 years old male elephant hunt - "female elephant killer" Al Act (Alpha). It reportedly rejected if a romance in estrus, they stabbed each other with long teeth. Has 12 females murdered in cold blood.
Kele La (Kerala) State one hundred Riyadh (Periyar) protected area,http://www.99teacher.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, last February 25 to June 16, there are eight female elephant brutally eventuality. Administrators from the autopsy report and other evidence analysis,http://sjh.bbs.windplay.cn/forum-53-1.html?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, the cause of death from the same ivory.
Koehler Pradesh wildlife management department head Srivastava (KK Srivastava) said that this year March 12 and 21,tiffany roma,http://www.alzbrain.org/prevention.cgi, re-transmission of two female elephant encounter murderous assailant same way.
Administrators are first discovered the atrocities Al law early last year. Protected areas in just two months have five female elephant, a male elephant died. Administrators originally suspected poachers committed,http://www.360pai.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=16444&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=2230756,air max outlet, so the composition of the group of 15 experts in-depth investigation.
They report that the five female elephant because the "elephants fight," death, cause of death from the same ivory on April 4; then form a group to hunt down al method.
Last March 27, Al law to protect the edge of the current track. Administrators find that it is in the "law of demand intensive frequency increases," the estrus peak,air max outlet milano, often after chasing female elephant attack. There is only one week before another imaging killed.
Ria hundred Foundation (Periyar Foundation) ecologist Weirui Mani (A Veeramani) said symptoms such as Al law although rare,nike tn pas cher france, but it is not never heard of. Because the victims are female elephant tail assassination proved alive by forced male elephants from the rear. He said the dead with wounds like Al law tusk size match.