Court held that


Original title: woman bitten by a dog awarded milk money


Ms Chan said,, the baby needs feeding to year and a half,, according to 1500 yuan per month, she asked Lee nursing costs 2 million yuan compensation.

(Reporter Pei Xiaolan) Lee Chan was bred Tibetan mastiff bites,, resulting in not breast-feeding her daughter, so Mr. Lee sued for compensation milk money. Reporters learned yesterday, Shunyi court verdict Lee Chan milk money 4700 yuan compensation.



Court held that, Ms. Chen bitten by a dog,, and where to buy milk to feed his daughter. For the children of lactation, refer to the relevant law, shall be deemed appropriate to consider 10 months since March this year. Lee deducting already paid 1300 yuan milk costs,Louboutin Soirée, compensation discretion of the court Lee Chan milk money 4700 yuan.

Ms. Chen alleged that in March this year, Mr. Lee raised the Tibetan mastiff from two meters tall wall sprang to her father's leg bitten. She knew rushed to the scene and from the hospital in the Tibetan mastiff sprang to her legs bitten. Later, Lee sent their daughter to hospital for treatment of rabies, the doctor asked for an infusion. Ms Chan said,Louboutin Mary Jane, because she had a newborn baby needs to nurse two months, there is no infusion. A week later, the doctor said she must have been infected transfusion and infusion can not give the baby during feeding. She then transfusion seven days,, during which the milk gradually drawn back, and after stopping the infusion, using a variety of methods can get down milk,Louboutin Sandales, only feed the baby formula.


Lee argues that he will indeed Chan pet dog bites,Louboutin Talon Compensé, but he has to arrange medical treatment Ms. Chen,Louboutin à Bout Ouvert, full escort and pay fees. Ms. Chen in the treatment of non-adherence leads to infection, Ms. Chen is his contribution to the treatment, but also for the purchase of the blood Chan pharmaceutical raw milk, pig's trotters and other nutritional supplements,, and has been spent 1,300 yuan to buy milk for the children, breast-feeding does not agree to pay fees .