300 yuan subsidy funds have been recovered.

BEIJING, May 26 Hengshui Power (Cui Zhiping Li Peng segment towards hyper) Hebei Province, Shenzhen City Commission for Discipline Inspection 26, said the city's large Tunzhen Xinxing Village branch secretary Xu reconstruction of funds being withheld due to two years of probation action. Currently,http://gamers-online.net/bbs/gombbs.cgi, it involved 7,300 yuan subsidy funds have been recovered.
Shenzhen City Commission for Discipline Inspection, according to reports,http://shshidong.com/news/html/?19654.html,Louboutin Sandales, in January this year, the city's Commission for Discipline Inspection reports received letters from the masses, reflecting the city's Xinxing Village,Louboutin Baskets Femme, part of the reconstruction of hardship has not received grant funding. After receiving reports from the public, Shenzhen City Commission for Discipline Inspection attaches great importance to investigators immediately instructed to investigate the issue.
The survey identified the village Party branch secretary Xu received the reconstruction of post-2012 models,Louboutin à Bout Ouvert,http://tucchy.sakura.ne.jp/c/epad/epad.cgi?mode=view&no=6255&res=1&page=60, according to the 2011 declaration of the list should be paid to the village hardship Wang was 13,Louboutin Pas cher,http://gamers-online.net/bbs/gombbs.cgi,300 yuan reconstruction of subsidies, the actual payment of 6,000 yuan, the rest of 7300 yuan Xu for their own expenses. Given Xu can take the initiative to admit,http://enjoy-webryblog.at.webry.info, involved 7,http://beer.dramamusicschool.com/item/create_form/1,300 yuan subsidy funds have been recovered, Shenzhen City Commission for Discipline Inspection decided to give Xu placed on probation for two years punishment.
The city's Commission for Discipline Inspection said that since carried out the second batch of the Party's mass line educational practice, the city's Commission for Discipline Inspection to further increase the focus on issues related to harm their interests, but also conducive to the public and carry out special operations to effectively solve the harm their interests,http://www.pscbots.com, promptly to curb corruption around the masses problems.
Recently,http://peina-fashion.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=164176&fromuid=93436, under the witness of the town and village level cadres,Louboutin Souliers Plat, Shenzhen City Commission for Discipline Inspection staff personally 7300 yuan subsidy to the reconstruction of the city Xinxing Village Wang Junjie hardship. (End)
(Original title: Hebei deep state party secretary deduction 7300 yuan a reconstruction of money being punished)
 (Edit: SN098)