They no improper sexual relations


Yesterday, Yunnan Fengqing County Committee Propaganda Department informed that, after the event, the same day the county set up a supervision bureau, head of the county, from the county public security bureau, the county party organization department personnel deployed joint investigation team to investigate. Investigation team arrived on December 6,, 2010 afternoon Linxiang District Fengxiang police station to police investigators understand the specific situation,, access to extract the relevant case materials, respectively, investigation and verification of the parties. According to the survey, the county listened to reports on the situation, the relevant disposal were studied and decided by the county Commission for Discipline Inspection Yang Xiqing, Shizhi Yan admonishing conversation.

For the spread of the Internet, "Zhao Jianming brother Zhao Jianguo since visited the scene was removed from office," one said, the investigation team, said: Zhao Jianguo,Louboutin Sandales, deputy director of 任凤庆 County Seismological Bureau, because of an administrative organ to institutions working in the civil service since November 2007, He himself repeatedly to the organization department for the restoration of civil servants. According to his own requirements and the usual performance by the 14 December 2010 meeting of the Standing Committee agreed to study the county appointed as County Business Association deputy director, and county government party according to the procedure eliminates its County Seismological Bureau deputy director duties. (City Times reporter Lin Xia)

They no improper sexual relations

And this has nothing to do

According to the investigation, no evidence of Temple township party secretary Yang Xiqing and judicial Shizhi Yan,,Louboutin Homme, director of an improper sexual relations. But Yang Xiqing, Shizhi Yan as the party's leading cadres,,Louboutin Bottines, cadres of discipline do not pay attention, do not pay attention to personal appearance, demeanor casual, cause things happen, causing undeserved social impact. Research by the county: the county Commission for Discipline Inspection 杨喜庆,Louboutin Soirée, Shizhi Yan admonishing remarks, Zhao Jianming hit anyone on the excesses of criticism and education. The 施志燕 from Dasi Township Justice Justice working party town of Los transferred.

Net exposure Yunnan Lincang a township party secretary betrayal official rumor


December 4,, 2010 to 7, Temple township party secretary Yang Xiqing to Lincang city's ethnic and religious policies and regulations to attend special training sessions. December 5, Shizhi Yan PARTY law for participating in undergraduate thesis to Lincang. That night, about Dasi Township 杨喜庆 study trip in Lincang Lincang workers and friends together to eat, drink. Around 2:00, Yang Xiqing, 施志燕 et al supper end back Lincang hotel. Shizhi Yan Yang Xiqing send back 208 Lincang hotel room and gave Yang Xiqing poured two glasses of water. 2:20 or so, 杨喜庆 and 施志燕 heard someone knock on the door to Room 208, after 施志燕 the door open, Zhao Jianming rushed 杨喜庆 cursing use with a pungent odor spray jet 杨喜庆 and beat Yang celebration. Police at 3:45 arrived at the scene, the Yang Xiqing, Shizhi Yan,Louboutin Mariage, Zhao Jianming three to Fengxiang police investigation. Police on duty after a preliminary understanding of the case was appealed to the two sides. 7:30 or so, the parties have left the police station.





The woman's husband hit "radical"







When the two sides meet by chance

Lincang a township party secretary and human affair busted

Zhao Jianming brother change position

Fengqing County Commission for Discipline Inspection in accordance with the requirements in a timely manner to Yang Xiqing, Shizhi Yan was admonishing remarks of the two as a party's leading cadres, do not pay attention to personal appearance, demeanor casual, pay no attention to time occasions, casual drinking behavior the serious criticism and education, and they put forward specific requirements. Zhao Jianming hit anyone on the excesses were criticized.

Because of the working relationship
