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May 18 morning, Xu met Lee in the markets,Louboutin à Bout Ouvert, the two quarreled. Xumou Yang Yan to kill the other family, Lee immediately to the police, after the police arrived and arrested Xu. According to Xu's account,http://smokingirl.info, the police seized explosives buried it, judicial appraisal, the article is ammonium antimony explosives, weighs 600 grams, very lethal.

(Reporter Mu Yi) yesterday,Louboutin Plates-forme, Shijingshan Procuratorate on suspicion of intentional homicide arrest of a rival attempted to use explosives killed a man Xu. The prosecution alleges that the suspects Xu learned that his live-in girlfriend in Beijing and others registered their marriage, they want Beijing homemade explosives killed a rival family.

Suspects Xu, 54,http://www.bluehawaiisurf.com.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=80994&fromuid=10552, is Yunnan,http://bridgeco.jp/cgi-bin/days/days.cgi?command=read_messagemsgnum=100/\"/, never went to school. Xu and Zhang in Yunnan origin living together for many years, but has not registered their marriage. Due to feelings of discord, Zhang ran out early last year went to Beijing to work, and soon fell in love with a colleague at work, Lee, and soon the two registration of marriage. After Xu learned that Zhang has been his wife, but porters remarried. Furious when he came to Beijing in early February this year,Louboutin Pas cher, to find Zhang and Lee theory,http://www.linxiren.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=87217, huff Lee wounded, security police detained 10 days. After his release, Zhang Xu and Lee repeatedly to temporary accommodation noisy, have been stopped Lee and neighbors. Thus,http://www.xiangfanqi.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=33582, Xu began to revenge escalation, he purchased through various means of explosives, detonators and fuses,Louboutin Homme,http://www.dojinongaku.com, and simple self-made explosives,Louboutin Soirée, explosives buried in the woods near the Zhang family built good . Subsequently, Zhang Xu twice came home, trying to fetch explosives killed Zhang, but because too many people around did not succeed.



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