Mao Yiqing human plane finally born

Like two feet like ride bicycles pedaled aircraft, single-handedly in Shanghai in the sky "flying" from the Lupu Bridge flew along the Huangpu River Lujiazui skyscrapers, it may no longer be animated in the scene , Mao Yiqing are trying to challenge gravity with their own practical action to this flight of fantasy turned into reality.


Resembles a large dragonfly, in front of "Mo number" is far from the human plane generally large and complex aircraft, aircraft height of a man so simple even appears to have some rudimentary. A few little black carbon fiber tube constitutes this "Dragonfly" skeleton in the pair of skeletons have two long wings and a long yellow white propeller,, and the wings is similar to the actual plastic wrap and foam Materials made. In addition to these, "Mo No." The rest is like a bicycle,, only one person a seat plus a foot pedal.


Which lasted two years, burned more than 100 million


"It feels good!" Yesterday, in Minhang a factory, Mao Yiqing standing with his hands developed "Mo No." aircraft aftertaste from that side of the sky in Fengxian two dozen seconds, is very excited. According to information released by Mao Yiqing aspect, March 26, 2009 5:26 pm successful maiden flight in Shanghai Fengxian Bay, flying 126 meters, height of 2.6 meters, speed 7 m / sec. As proof of successful maiden flight,, Mao Yiqing yesterday also broadcast video of the first flight, and shows "Mo No." aircraft kind.

CAAC East China Air Traffic Control:



Then, his 300 annual export volume, start their own game on Bioko Aircraft Co., Ltd., and begun making the human plane.

Yesterday, Mao Yiqing claiming millions of dollars into China's first aircraft manufactured by the human plane pilot in Fengxian successful test flight.


"Low key madman", which is the evaluation of their friend who is familiar with 毛一青, the reporter has learned that Mao Yiqing originally majored in furniture design, after years of renovation work done.





Mao Yiqing does not care about everyone on the "Mo number" of the doubts and criticism, he said, after "Mo No." mass production, the cost per aircraft is only about 100,000 yuan or even lower. "In June this year I want to test again." 毛一青 he said, when he plans to fly higher and farther longer,, and invite the media to witness.

"To fly overhead, is not enough." For test "Mo number", CAAC East China Air Traffic Control said yesterday that the person concerned,Louboutin Soirée, in accordance with the provisions of China's air traffic control is very strict, like the human plane this test, height is not high it was just a test subject individual behavior, but now the Shanghai area to fly in the sky is not enough.

Only 2 meters off the ground







According to Mao Yiqing, the "Mozi number" of aircraft by the human race on Bioko Aircraft Co., independent research and development and manufacturing, which lasted two years on March 26, 2009 5:26 PM sub successful maiden flight in Shanghai Fengxian Bay, flight 126 m, height of 2.6 meters, speed 7 m / sec.




The so-called human plane, is totally dependent on people's physical means as a driving force flying aircraft, the world's first successful 1979 British "Albatross" was flying over the English Channel. "That year I was little, but then I thought that one day I want to fly up." 毛一青 said, the idea of human-made aircraft in a long time.

Show "Mo No." aircraft in kind


To fly overhead No!



April 7, Mao Yiqing and staff demonstrate how the human plane. Post reporter Wang Ju Liang Figure video shows scenes March 26 "Mo No." Human airplane flight when. Post reporter Wang Ju Liang remake of the March 26 "Mo No." Human airplane flight Post reporter Wang Ju Liang remake

Play first flight video


"The spirit is very commendable," "there is no practical significance," "It's just a toy." Yesterday, for Mao Yiqing human plane,, Shanghai Invention Association members, aircraft production professionals in Sun red evaluation did unflinchingly, he He said that the principle of human aircraft in the world has been in existence a hundred years. With the advent of modern new materials, as long as it is people, not create an two big problems. However, "It's just kind of toys,, people within the industry will not do such an attempt."

Oriental Morning Post reporter Yu Li Yan

This person

Which lasted two years, burned more than 100 million later, Mao Yiqing human plane finally born, the aircraft wingspan of 27.4 meters, a total length of 6.8 meters, empty machine weight 42 kg, "can take a weight lighter than 65 kg person. "To commemorate the Spring and Autumn Period when China started to develop wood bird flying Mozi,Louboutin Homme, the plane human plane was named" Mozi number. " Original "Mo No." intended for use by cyclists to test, but contacted several athletes in Shanghai, they said take into account the risk of flight reluctant to participate in trials.


"How can you be sure this is the first aircraft of human plane " Yesterday, for the test "Mo number" Many people expressed doubts this, Mao Yiqing seemed very confident,Louboutin Mariage, he said, "Mozi number" is definitely China's first aircraft doubt.


Human airplane plane




"I'm not back to the parachute." Yesterday, Mao Yiqing sit on the sidelines foot "Mozi number" on stretched forward marching furiously pedals, laughing, said he is the principle of human demonstration flight of the aircraft,Louboutin Pas cher, along with his That and ride bicycles indistinguishable action, the front propeller aircraft began to grow rapidly, standing behind the person can feel waves of wind blowing in the face. However, because there is a fixed measure in the plant where there someone pulled yesterday, "Mo No." human plane did not like that moment two weeks ago,Louboutin Mary Jane, the same sky.

Yesterday's video shows the first test flight on March 26 afternoon, Mao Yiqing ride in "Mo No." narrow seat, the pedals riding on takeoff attempt,, behind several of his colleagues followed the aircraft in case of emergency, short work, human plane really started to fly off, but only 2 meters from the ground, after two ten seconds, the plane came back to earth.

Yesterday's video shows the first test flight on March 26 afternoon, Mao Yiqing sitting on the "Mo No." narrow seats, riding on the pedals to try to take off, behind several of his colleagues followed the aircraft in case of emergency, short work, human plane really started to fly off, but only 2 meters from the ground, after two ten seconds, the plane came back to earth.

However, Mao's move, some experts believe that although the "spirit is very commendable," but actually it is only a toy.

As for the suburban Fengxian Why test questions, Mao Yiqing frankly, he looked through the GOOGLE map, that this is Shanghai's only one place for the test flight. Because the place is too small, so although the level of theory can fly from the ground 10-15 meters (nearly six floors of height), but the actual can only fly two meters tall to give way.


SUN Hung said that if human airplanes to fly requires the driver to have a relatively strong strength, now in developed countries, are mostly related to some university students keen to try, in Tokyo, there had college students plan to take the human plane over the Pacific Ocean. For ATC, SUN Hung urban sky is strictly controlled, but now authorities are specifically set aside some areas to allow private aircraft flying, travel must be the same as swimming in the pool.


In 1999, he suddenly decided to change to chase his dream of flight. The first entry point is a model aircraft, after four years of self-study, in 2003 he finally come up with a model aircraft, and participated in an international model aircraft "F1" contest, in 2007, he sold the model aircraft in the US "F1" took the title on .

Human airplane is totally dependent on people's physical as a driving force flying aircraft, aviation developed countries since 1918 has been committed to the development of the human plane, the more successful 1979 British "Albatross" was flying over the English Channel, 1988 American Airlines NASA and MIT joint Greek government spent huge sums of money to create a successful human flight 116 km world record holder so far.

Development of human Aircraft

More than 20 seconds and then back to the earth