They no improper sexual relations


Yesterday, Yunnan Fengqing County Committee Propaganda Department informed that, after the event, the same day the county set up a supervision bureau, head of the county, from the county public security bureau, the county party organization department personnel deployed joint investigation team to investigate. Investigation team arrived on December 6,, 2010 afternoon Linxiang District Fengxiang police station to police investigators understand the specific situation,, access to extract the relevant case materials, respectively, investigation and verification of the parties. According to the survey, the county listened to reports on the situation, the relevant disposal were studied and decided by the county Commission for Discipline Inspection Yang Xiqing, Shizhi Yan admonishing conversation.

For the spread of the Internet, "Zhao Jianming brother Zhao Jianguo since visited the scene was removed from office," one said, the investigation team, said: Zhao Jianguo,Louboutin Sandales, deputy director of 任凤庆 County Seismological Bureau, because of an administrative organ to institutions working in the civil service since November 2007, He himself repeatedly to the organization department for the restoration of civil servants. According to his own requirements and the usual performance by the 14 December 2010 meeting of the Standing Committee agreed to study the county appointed as County Business Association deputy director, and county government party according to the procedure eliminates its County Seismological Bureau deputy director duties. (City Times reporter Lin Xia)

They no improper sexual relations

And this has nothing to do

According to the investigation, no evidence of Temple township party secretary Yang Xiqing and judicial Shizhi Yan,,Louboutin Homme, director of an improper sexual relations. But Yang Xiqing, Shizhi Yan as the party's leading cadres,,Louboutin Bottines, cadres of discipline do not pay attention, do not pay attention to personal appearance, demeanor casual, cause things happen, causing undeserved social impact. Research by the county: the county Commission for Discipline Inspection 杨喜庆,Louboutin Soirée, Shizhi Yan admonishing remarks, Zhao Jianming hit anyone on the excesses of criticism and education. The 施志燕 from Dasi Township Justice Justice working party town of Los transferred.

Net exposure Yunnan Lincang a township party secretary betrayal official rumor


December 4,, 2010 to 7, Temple township party secretary Yang Xiqing to Lincang city's ethnic and religious policies and regulations to attend special training sessions. December 5, Shizhi Yan PARTY law for participating in undergraduate thesis to Lincang. That night, about Dasi Township 杨喜庆 study trip in Lincang Lincang workers and friends together to eat, drink. Around 2:00, Yang Xiqing, 施志燕 et al supper end back Lincang hotel. Shizhi Yan Yang Xiqing send back 208 Lincang hotel room and gave Yang Xiqing poured two glasses of water. 2:20 or so, 杨喜庆 and 施志燕 heard someone knock on the door to Room 208, after 施志燕 the door open, Zhao Jianming rushed 杨喜庆 cursing use with a pungent odor spray jet 杨喜庆 and beat Yang celebration. Police at 3:45 arrived at the scene, the Yang Xiqing, Shizhi Yan,Louboutin Mariage, Zhao Jianming three to Fengxiang police investigation. Police on duty after a preliminary understanding of the case was appealed to the two sides. 7:30 or so, the parties have left the police station.





The woman's husband hit "radical"







When the two sides meet by chance

Lincang a township party secretary and human affair busted

Zhao Jianming brother change position

Fengqing County Commission for Discipline Inspection in accordance with the requirements in a timely manner to Yang Xiqing, Shizhi Yan was admonishing remarks of the two as a party's leading cadres, do not pay attention to personal appearance, demeanor casual, pay no attention to time occasions, casual drinking behavior the serious criticism and education, and they put forward specific requirements. Zhao Jianming hit anyone on the excesses were criticized.

Because of the working relationship



Gansu Song Xiao Jincheng Law Firm lawyer said

Boss admitted beating facts

17 year-old guy restaurant workers eager to integrate into society has been hit hard both physically and mentally

The owner of a nearby shop, said he often saw other employees laughed at Mike and free to play Mike's face. One employee said,Louboutin Souliers Plat, Mike usually also eat rice, reporters on the 29th at 1 pm interview,, Mike said not to eat, while other employees have eaten. One employee said, when at rest,, with the quarters of the staff would not let Li sleep in the bed,Louboutin à Bout Ouvert, Li sleep on the cold ground. And this argument has also been confirmed that another employee, the employee said, after the boss's friend Li Yilin to sleeping quarters, because there is no bed, let Li sleep wrapped in blankets on the floor for two nights.


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A month ago, Mr. Lee, who lives in the same village by the tranquil beach area Huang Liu introduced, allowing 17-year-old son to Little Sheep restaurant Qin Yue odd jobs, he said, a little retarded son, often staying at home is not conducive to communicate with people, he We hope to work so that his son can better integrate into the community. At that time the restaurant owner said his son received, he really appreciate the boss, but the result made him the unexpected development of events.

"Mentally retarded children themselves do not understand something, do something wrong he should be more tolerant." After learning that Li was beaten to the fact that residents have accused the restaurant around the restaurant owner's cold, residents said: "The boss is not only not condemned his friend's atrocities,, but involvement in the beating, just not human! "



"I'm sorry you ah!" March 29 afternoon, in front of the Little Sheep restaurant Qin Yue, Li Gong took his son's hand tears, side of his wife does not stop weeping.



Lee told reporters at noon that day, he and his wife came to his son's restaurant work, seen in January to visit the son,;/, but when his son standing in front of him, he was the son of the horrors stunned. March 29 afternoon, the reporter saw Lee's son swollen right cheek, hands, neck, and body parts with multiple trauma, head and 1 cm long wound, bruising on the legs and thighs skin.

Son suffered beatings work

Mr. and Mrs. Li after inquiry, to know his son is restaurant owner and his friend beaten. Lee immediately ask the restaurant owner for details, but the boss took the opportunity to leave, but under Lee call 110.

A month ago, Gong Li, who lives in tranquility (a pseudonym) of the mentally retarded son to district hospital in the Golden Sunshine City Qin Yue Little Sheep restaurant work exercise, but now seems to regret the decision to let him unusual, not only because his son did not get exercise, but Mind and body were severely traumatized.

Employees who requested anonymity,, told reporters that the boss friends call 李宜林, when a few days ago in a restaurant called Mike to help him get clothes, cell phone pocket inside broke out on the ground, then beat Li Li Yilin. 28 evening, for unknown reasons, Li Yilin and boss in the hall after beating Xiao Li, Li played Manlianshixue. The employee said, Mike hand injury is that they are not accidentally burn caustic soda,, and other trauma are being beaten, injured head before being beaten.


In the afternoon, contact the reporter on the phone to the restaurant owner Zhaofu Gang, Zhao said on the phone is beating his friend, as well as an employee, he just kicked ass on Mike kicks. Zhao Fugang that the beating incident occurred the evening of 28,Louboutin Bottines, beating a friend had left the restaurant. After 29 Mike's father came into the shop, he gave another employee 500 dollars, let it go to the hospital with Mike.

At 15:00 on March 30, reporters at the General Hospital of Lanzhou Military Region, Lanzhou Branch saw Alan a peace,, Lee said the hospital now to give his son the surgery, but no medical expenses. He said that up to now there is no police station to investigate. Newspaper reporter Zhang Pengxiang

On that day, Mike was the hospital diagnosed with nose fracture, systemic multiple soft tissue injuries. In this connection, Gansu Song Xiao Jincheng Law Firm lawyer said: "The mentally retarded children by the" Disabled Protection Law "protection, if the fight mentally retarded children were identified harm, beating party to bear a heavier legal responsibility."




Cited public outrage was beaten mentally disabled employees

 ,Louboutin Talon Compensé;

a pseudonym

(Reporter Hu Sheng Jin Jianhui Huang Weibin Jiangjing Xia / Wen Zheng Haibin / Chart) a silver car stopped, a dozen signs courtship, big horn sound off, declare a song to sing, yesterday afternoon, a hot love confession scene in Fuzhou West staged around the park, while advertising is the object of a recent major forum in Fuzhou posts fiery actress - "West Lake tea girl" well-off (a pseudonym).

 (Edit: SN026)


Hospital staff discouraging men left,,Louboutin Botte,, a few minutes after a stalemate,, the hospital said, will come out to meet well-off.


After being photographed for his popularity on the Internet, "tea girl" said, when I heard their photos posted on the network a hot topic, and I'm surprised. Today appeared, because the hospital did not want to trouble level, as feelings,, needs to build on the basis of mutual understanding.

The man said he was recently in Fuzhou major forum hot posts "black silk tea sister Lake Park, who are you My brother seeking contacts! "After posting 008 people," relying on users human flesh search out "tea girl" work address, they struggled to come up with this confession mode.



4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, this has been coming for two days in a row of men, and driving a silver Mercedes sports car came to a plastic surgery hospital door,Louboutin Talon Compensé,;/, sing courtship songs, attracted many onlookers. He sang, while commanding staff will vindicate cards for hospitals on the second floor, "do not give high points, how can see well-off " Some songs stands on, man shouted: "off, I like you,Louboutin Bottines, you come out to see see me. "


"Mercedes-Benz man" holding flowers singing confession "tea girl" finally coming


Some Internet users questioned the "Mercedes-Benz man" would like "tea girl" event hype. In response, the man completely denied,, saying that because unforgettable and "tea girl" side of the border, what has created the song "Do you know I love you" and would like to personally sing "tea girl" Listen, I hope to get her heart.

In anticipation and "Mercedes-Benz man" Call of the crowd, the West Lake "tea girl" finally appeared,,Louboutin Mary Jane, the man immediately brought a large bunch of lilies, said: "We can make friends with you " "Tea girl" hesitated for a while, still he took the man in the hands of the bouquet and gave the man contacts indicate think again. Men do not want to declare this manner. Immediately,Louboutin Mariage, the man drove away.

do not respond.


Subsequently, the reporter linked to the charge of building demolition work of Henan Yongan Blasting Engineering Co., Ltd., the company general manager Jin certain that the deceased was not his company workers, "as I understand it,Louboutin Pas cher, it is to move things Workers Party Central Qimao hired . "

Two minutes later, to see the dead being loaded onto a truck pulled away, a man and a woman before the opening of the Xujun Wen.

□,Louboutin Souliers Plat; trainee reporter reporter Xujun Wen Wen Wang Weihao Figure


15:30 yesterday, the reporter drove to the scene and saw an ambulance being driven out of a demolition site. Reporters then contact the command center after 120 confirmed that a man had died after rescue invalid on site.


Reporter into the demolition of the building floor,, dozens of workers were working inside the building, the ground full of broken bricks, steel and other construction waste.




Reporter Cui requested to identify police officers beat black man, but the original Xujun Wen camera caught a woman actually denied beating incident: " Who beat him I did not know this man."

At this point, several workers have been stretchered off more than 10 meters. "This worker fatalities occurred, why you want to stop the interview What company are you What is the relationship with the deceased " Just when reporters asked each other, a bespectacled black man rushed over, grabbed the reporter's clothing neck, the chest is a blow against the reporter, the reporter followed vigorously pushed. Several workers rushed, hurried to the black man away.

"What is not reported in." After that reporter identity, several men swore foul language, while the front will be besieged by reporters. The first coming out of a man and woman is to firmly grasp Xujun Wen refused to let go of the camera. Because there are a lot of ground around the nail planks bristling, for fear of safety,, Xujun Wen no forced break.





"If you can call him up, let him apologize to forget." Cui said the police officer.

"Well, I apologize for him is not in I'm sorry ah." The woman immediately interjected.


At this time, there are several men and women surrounded up, he began to shout abuse reporters. Cui seeing police officers, proposed to the parties to the police station, but a blink of an eye,, that woman has disappeared.

Strange words: police said reporters "suffer less"

Subsequently, reporters rushed to the Zhengdong New Business District police station, the police would like to further explain the situation.

Reporters noted that compared with the workers around the woman's clothing should be dressed much more. "We are Dahe reporter, came to interview, please do not stop." Correspondent said.




No uniformed people, uniformed police surnamed Cui.

Cui police officer said: "Anyway,, is to ask a situation,>Skype, they find someone in the middle of it." Cui reporter unacceptable officers say, but unfortunately leave.

Yesterday, Zhengzhou City, Plains Road and Business Ding Road, near the intersection of Central Qimao building demolition site, a worker from the elevator shaft fall dead. When reporters arrived at the scene to interview, he was thwarted several unidentified men and beaten on the site. Chung Dong New Area business district police station rushed to the scene, not only did not actively control the relevant personnel,Louboutin Botte, but behind the reporter made this assessment: "It is due to two reporters suffer."



Several workers dead man hurried away on stretchers camera man snatch Reporter

This reporter saw police siren was 016,839, named Cui Dapeng.



Strange: reporter,, beaten


To see the reporter was beaten, Xujun Wen excited, to have a say black man stopped, but always being stopped could not get out. The black man seemed reluctant to give up, pick up from the ground hard, but was promptly stopped, and then he was gone in disarray.

Reporters quickly found the trouble elevator and saw the death of several workers were men carried on a stretcher. Newspaper photographer Xujun Wen forward close, can not yet raised his camera, the crowd suddenly out of a man and a woman will hold down the photographer,, and yelled: " Are you doing"

After the incident, the police immediately Xujun Wen, but waited 10 minutes still no police arrived. After the reporter second alarm five minutes,, a police van pulled into the site, the two men got out, one of them

Reporters walked Zhengdong New Business District police station less than 1 minute, Cui police also returned to the police station. He walked into the police station door, a police asked him about Alarming situation, Choi disdain replied: "That is due to two reporters suffer." Voice hardly ever,Louboutin Mary Jane, he turned and walked a reporter face to touch the face, then down quickly go away.



 ,Louboutin Mariage;

Subsequently, the reporter repeatedly asked the police officer Cui asked each other's identity, but he has taken it in stride, do not respond.


Building 2



May 9 morning, police investigators found in the ditch before passing well Wei immediately arrested, confessed to Wei Beizitou dormitory around 10 times the illegal crime of theft crimes.

Year-old began to steal for a living

Continuous crime around hundred children steal hostel



First Wei confessed: nearly six years, he was often arrested by public security organs, can not remember how many times was arrested. He also explained the situation he was captured many times Jiangyang mountains Ping Public Security Bureau police station, South City police station, north of the city police station and Ma Lake District Public Security Bureau police station Star, a small city police station, police station pond, because of his young age, less than 14 years old,, the public security organs regarded took to put the material. First Wei said: "I know I can not deal with the public security organs, I do not grabbed off things, so I would often steal,Louboutin Souliers Plat, do not be afraid the public security organs to seize me."

April 23 morning, thieves climb to Beizitou a dormitory,, Building 2, Unit 2, Liu XX home, Theft 4900 yuan in cash and fled the scene; April 26 morning,Louboutin à Bout Ouvert, thieves climbing Beizitou a dormitory, Building 2,Louboutin Mariage, Unit 1, Peng Moumou home Theft of cash 1600 yuan and a cell phone, in Building 5, Unit 2, Moumou home Theft of cash, more than $ 200, in Building 2, Unit 1, Feng Moumou home Theft of a yellow bar phone after fleeing site; May 4 morning,, thieves climb to Beizitou a dormitory, Building 2, Unit 2, Luo Moumou home Theft of cash and fled the scene after the 1200 yuan; May 5 am, thieves climb to Beizitou a dormitory on the 4th After Luo Moumou home Theft Unit 2 floor white a mobile phone,, but also in Building 4, Unit 2 盛某某 home Theft cash 300 yuan, once again climb to the Building 4,, Unit 1,Louboutin Plates-forme, the surname Wang Changhong phone home Theft one fled the scene.

Wei was born in 1994, first in Luzhou POLICE long "fame," 8-year-old began to steal, did not finish in first grade was expelled from school. Since then, he has to steal for a living, nicknamed "seem to lack." First Wei confessed to the police that he did not come home three or four years, have not seen their parents, the parents do not know what to do now, in recent years mainly by stealing to maintain his life.

In recent years, the first great big unscrupulous theft crime, Theft of property several hundred thousand dollars, so much money squandered Where to Wei first told the police, apart from eating, sleeping and theft,, and the rest basically stayed the cafe, the stolen money for network consumption,Louboutin Soirée, such as buying a QQ number, play online games. Down more than a month, sometimes in the cafe consumption to reach as much as five or six thousand.


12, according to "People's Republic of China Criminal Law" Section 264, the full 14-year-old during a "thief king" no actual crime and home care capacity, decided to Luzhou "thief king" first-wei (a pseudonym) for custody and education for two years. It is reported that since the first great age of eight began to steal, has committed crimes more than 1,000 times, are too young to be released after police education after being arrested by the police.




During the 12th, according to "People's Republic of China Criminal Law" Section 264, the full 14 years before committing the crime Wei and home care is no real ability to decide their custody and education for two years. (Yande Liang Xiao Tian rights)

Jiangyang District Luzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau Public Security Bureau police police rushed to the scene after scene investigation and fingerprint comparison and found in Beizitou quarters of the alleged crime great many trips to the public security organs, then on the first possible hiding place of great expansion dragnet investigation.


known as "The Little Mermaid" girl.

Earlier this month, Shiloh careless cold, and quickly developed into pneumonia. 10, 2009, she was transferred to Maine Medical Center for treatment. After over 10 days of treatment, Maine Medical Center,, Doctor John Ram 23 afternoon announced her death. (Anand)


Leslie father and mother Alma hope to extend the life of Shiloh, so she can have more time with his family. Since then, the Shiloh embarked on her road to survive, to accept as many as 150 large and small surgery many times,, including the reconstruction of internal organs and two kidney transplants,, once when she was two years old, one in 2007 August.


Shiloh suffering from this rare disease is called "mermaid syndrome." Patients because the blood circulation system does not develop normally,Louboutin Mariage, leading to their kidneys and other organs have not developed comprehensive.

Matthew Hand kidney specialist, said: "Due to a lack of vaginal vault and rectum,, can not be excreted in the urine,Louboutin Sandales, most patients will die of it.." Shiloh has broken the doctor's death prophecy,Louboutin Plates-forme, relying only one body small kidney miraculously survived.

Cold rapid development of pneumonia



WASHINGTON Maine Shiloh · Pippin was born due to congenital and legs bound together,, and the lack of multiple organs,, known as "The Little Mermaid" girl.


Although Shiloh unable to walk by his legs, but the dance is one of her most beloved activities. She not only participated in ballet classes, and also involved in a dance rehearsal activities, Shiloh's "Dance" is sitting on the stage,Louboutin à Bout Ouvert, kept swinging the body. Shiloh also learned to sit and bowling scooters glide on the floor.

Only 10 years old, she has received more than 150 surgery; unable to walk,, she was keen to dance; suffering from odd disease, she optimism stronger than anyone. 23, the small "Mermaid" in the ward died.

Only 10 years old have received more than 150 surgery


 ,Louboutin Escarpins;


Of Shiloh,, the real danger is not that she apparently bonded together legs, but the lack of organs - bladder, uterus, colon, kidney and other most.


Shiloh · skin of his life to his legs bound together, and multiple organ missing, known as "The Little Mermaid" girl.

I do not know since when

BEIJING, Lishui April 15 (Reporter intern Li Tingting correspondent Hufeng Sheng Hua Zhili) wife died many years ago,Louboutin Plates-forme, the children are not around,Louboutin Talon Compensé,, alone Widowed elderly actually molested old girl next door. 15, reporters from the city of Longquan, Zhejiang People's Court heard that the hospital is not the first instance of this public hearing criminal cases, more than seventy years old man leaves because of child molestation was sentenced to three years nine months.
It is reported that Ye old man born in April 1939,,Louboutin Homme, have one son and four women,, his wife of 27 years has died. After all migrant children get married or do business, leaving him alone in the old house to live in rural areas.
Cheer for a father,, and children to the elderly to buy a color TV and DVD player.
However,Louboutin Mary Jane, I do not know since when,, the old man fell in love leaves yellow DVD films, has purchased a 20 few "Huangdie", but also to spend money to buy an inflatable doll masturbation. In contact with pornographic products,Louboutin Mariage, the leaf old man lost self, a life of crime.
September 20, 2013 in the evening, the old man to see the next door neighbor leaves only 7 years old little girl playing in the stomach at home,, put her to their own bedroom,, be obscene. After hearing adults cry until the little girl was hurriedly let her go home.
Court that the defendant leaves the old man to the dissatisfaction of girls twelve weeks to implement obscene acts constitute child molestation, according to the law should be severely punished. In view of the defendant voluntarily pleaded guilty in the trial,, and the victim is willing to lend grandfather of 7000 yuan loan and pay in the public security organs 3000 yuan bail bond set off against compensation payments, appropriate sentences, but does not apply to probation. (End)
(Original title: Zhejiang seventeen year-old man fell in love with yellow discs Widowed Girls Next Door obscene jailed)