and report to the police.

WASHINGTON one middle-aged man was treated several times for theft by the police, but the pursuit of the opposite sex, actually claimed to be the construction company executives, more than 30 million of assets, also forged divorce agreement. Is such a "big shots", actually the whole day riding bikes stolen vehicles bought cheap. 11 afternoon,,christian louboutin homme, when the man rode it out, happens to be the original owner of the car and saw the police.

On the 11th at 3 pm, in downtown Suqian Wang just the supermarket business,borse burberry outlet, saw a more than 40-year-old man riding a moped over. He looked carefully,, this bike is his moped missing two months ago. Amy stopped when about each other, and report to the police.

The man surnamed Zhou,ray ban outlet italia, 40 years old this year. When the police asked him where he comes from when the car was,, Zhou said that in the urban areas in the hands of a young man from South happiness bought, spent 200 dollars. In Zhou's body, police search to a certificate of release. According to Zhou confessed, he was convicted of theft by the police three times,, and finally one was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months, until November 2009 was out of prison.

In Zhou body,hogan interactive, police also found a fake divorce. On divorce,, falsely claiming that he called Cheng Zhou Nan, is a real estate company executives, and the "wife" Hwang is the Xuanwu District, Nanjing,, director of a bank credit. Divorce agreement also says Zhou Street in Xuanwu District,, Nanjing bluestone villa set, currently worth more than 950 million, on all types of bank cards as well as the total amount of deposits of more than 3600 million, as well as a BMW sedan A680 (Week a fabricated own models),tiffany milano, plus pieces of famous calligraphy and cultural relics. The face of police interrogation, Zhou finally confessed that the divorce agreement was forged his own, because he was treated repeatedly stealing police, his wife, children left him. Zhou recently met a woman, in order to pursue her,, let her believe that they have money on hand, this concocted a fake divorce.

(Caoqingdamo peak)