Shen Yan Jin said

Cooperation with Shandong Polytechnic College Admissions Suzhou Zhongshan Continuing Education site has now leased to other units, but the name of the school entrance there Express reporter Chen Hong Jiang photo
On a three-year college, but found not get the Pro graduate diploma. Recently, the parents part of Shandong University College of anonymous complaints to the Express, said three years ago, and their children were enrolled in Shandong Polytechnic College, is a full-time college classes,, the children placed in the "Computer Training Computer Suzhou University belongs Center "school. Graduation occasion, we discovered that they caught a total of more than 50 students' recruitment scam ", did not qualify for a diploma.
Shandong Polytechnic College Admissions, why Suzhou placed in thousands of miles away to go to school? Parents called "scam", how did this thing? These students are able to get a diploma? In recent days, the Express reporter conducted an investigation.
□ trainee reporter Sun Jiahua
Express reporter Jiang Hong Chen
Complaints from parents
Pro graduation found
Get diploma
Parents said in a letter of complaint, in August 2008, more than 50 students were in the name of Shandong Polytechnic College admission, is a full-time college classes,, specializing in international trade. After the school year, parents and students have doubts: Shandong school students enrolled, how to go to is located in Suzhou Dushu Lake Higher Education Town "computer training center in Suzhou University computer belongs" reading. It was learned later that cooperative education, we also did not much doubt.
Six months ago, "Computer Training Center, Suzhou University computer belongs" Youyi students should practice as an excuse, the students were sent home. Now faced with these students graduate, was a school teacher has to say surprising news:. "Does not belong to this group of students enrolled in the National Register, did not qualify for a diploma."
To verify this,gucci outlet italia, some parents and students together to Shandong Polytechnic College counseling, the results obtained so that they were shocked. The teacher said the college office, these students did not move. "In the end, all a hoax, is responsible lawless society Suzhou University computer belongs to a computer training center in collusion with the surname Gu, Shandong Polytechnic College Admissions behalf of the group of students from all over the fool in Suzhou This lie is 3 years. "
The letter also attached two contacts, more than 50 above the student's name, ID number and other information. From the correspondence address, the group of students from Suzhou, Suqian, Yangzhou, Huai'an, Nanjing and other places, there are also other provinces, from Shandong, Guizhou, Henan and other places.
Parents say the fact that they are offered, but in order to protect the legitimate interests of the child,, in what has not been clear before treatment, had anonymously.
Doubt survey
Are college parties
Move over these students?
[Feedback] a total of 52 people,nike tn homme pas cher, is an Academy in Suzhou trick
Anonymous letter of complaint contents are true? Failing to leave contact information on the letter, the reporter could not get in touch with the parties. But in the subsequent investigation, the reporter found a letter of complaint to reflect the problem does exist.
According to the official website of Shandong Polytechnic College introduced, the College is approved by the People's Government of Shandong Province, the Ministry of Education for the record, with sixty years of common history school vocational colleges, its predecessor was set up in 1950 in Shandong Province trade workers University, 1998 Shandong Provincial People's Government approved the first batch of organizing vocational education, 2006 Jining Municipal People's Government of Shandong Province, Electrical and Mechanical School, Shandong Province, Jining Business School merged to form a new trade workers in Shandong University, 2007 North Lake site school in Jining New, new campus covers an area of 1003 acres of planning, construction area of 400,000 square meters, the March 2009 People's Government of Shandong Province, Shandong Polytechnic College alterations.
"I know it, and we can not say that the school had nothing to do, the school is also actively seized of the matter." After a series of setbacks, the reporter on the phone occupation Li Yun Chi, vice president of Shandong University. According to its introduction, these students are the college admissions and other educational institutions, have worked together before, but not now appear mode.
So the matter is not responsible for Li Yun-chi, for specific circumstances, Li Yun-chi, said he was not quite clear.
Then, let the reporter contacted Lee, vice president of the College Office, Ren Shenyan gold. Shen Yan Jin admissions regarding the explanation is: This is not a scam. The college is really Suzhou Zhongshan Joint Admissions and Continuing Education, that groups of students a total of 52 people.
Some parents said in the letter, they went to Shandong Polytechnic College to discuss that, but was run told "do not recruit these students." To solve this problem, Shen Yan Jin said, "do not understand the teachers' office, and give parents the wrong answer."
Why in Suzhou
University campus classes?
[Feedback] partner institutions to do the Soviet space leased premises
Since it is combined with the Suzhou Zhongshan Continuing Education Admissions, why students placed in Soviet school class? The day before yesterday, Shen Yan Jin said on the phone, Shandong Polytechnic College of these 52 students do not understand the situation. "Teaching Learning Institute, Zhongshan Suzhou location is responsible for leasing, teachers are employed in Suzhou, Zhongshan and Continuing Education. Why arranged in Soviet schools, specifically ask what the teacher,, our college are not clear."
According Shenzhu Ren provide contact information, telephone interview with reporters, Zhongshan Suzhou Education College President Gu Kai. Gu Kai said that in 2008, the Academy is the first and only time with Shandong College of Technology Joint Entrance,louboutin outlet, school site is leased to the computer's Soochow University. When asked whether the instructor is teacher of Computer Science, Suzhou University, Gu Kai said, "there are various places, specifically disclose."
Yesterday morning, Shen Yan Jin came from Shandong further explained to reporters, before 2009, Shandong Polytechnic College are scattered school until September 2010 was able to achieve the overall relocation. "When the year enrollment, school capacity is too small to accommodate these students, only school in the school." Shen Yan Jin said,chaussures louboutin hommes, "In order to mobilize multiple resources, so that more students receive vocational education, this school has taken such a joint approach. Continuing Education in cooperation with Suzhou Zhongshan, took a fancy to be able to rely on its Suzhou University faculty. "
And Shen Yan Jin Gu Kai together to find the reporter said, 52 school students in Soviet schools, tuition and Shandong University College Hospital in the same class, to pay 3000 yuan per person per year. "There declaration opened skills, computers, etc., except for hiring teachers, school loan, can not earn much money." Gu Kai said these students in class, to eat at Suzhou University Dushu Lake campus,, the hostel is to Dushu Lake Higher Education student apartments to rent.
Why is it on the school
Get a diploma?
[Feedback] school at the time of registration omission, and is retroactive
Why complete a three-year study, the students get a diploma? Questions to reporters, the day before Gu Kai replied, "Because fast certification, only to find a registered leak."
"Appears on the outside of the school's operation errors, leading to these students is not registered." Gu Kai was stressed that the school "is neither issuing units, nor school units",, resulting in the omission of students should not be the responsibility of licensing by the Shandong Polytechnic College commitment. Shandong Polytechnic College will try to help students go through the registration process, "but it is not guaranteed to succeed."
Yesterday, Shen Yan Jin explained that in recent years, the College and Continuing Education Suzhou Zhongshan personnel changes very frequently, "work negligence which led to 52 students not registered."
Shen Yan Jin said, the college has received many complaints from parents, college is currently communicating with the Shandong Provincial Department of Education, to help these students go through the registration formalities. Shen Yan Jin said, before other schools had a similar situation, this part of everything, "must be able to run down."
"We had a lack of communication with parents, leading to the misconception that parents caught enrollment scam. We are currently actively communicate with the Shandong Provincial Department of Education, the next will come face to face with each student to explain the situation at home, parents must make a commitment to get a graduate student card. "Shen Yan Jin said," If a student did not find temporary work, you can consider them to our school free refresher, you can choose the professional international trade, also can choose other professional. "What 52 students would be able to get a diploma ? Suzhou City Board of Education Higher Education Department Director Pu Jianping said, according to the provisions of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education can not go through three years of registration for students, but because of different education policies Jiangsu and Shandong provinces, so these students can take the diploma is difficult to determine. "Since Shandong Polytechnic College has stood out, they should be able to properly handle, after all, this is a public school."
Pu Jianping said Suzhou Education Bureau will pay close attention to the handling of the matter.
Cooperation Institute is the
What kind of school?
[Feedback] has yet to find another place of education, not enrollment
Reporters found by searching the Internet, there are promotional materials show, Suzhou Zhongshan Learning Institute is run by a Board of Education approved Jiangsu Province, Suzhou Municipal Revolutionary Committee of college founded in 1981, opened the CNC, e-commerce, business and trade and other professionals, over the years won national, provincial and municipal outstanding school and so 26 times, awarded the "advanced unit" by the Chinese Private Education Commission.
Yesterday afternoon, in order to further understand the situation, the reporter came to Zhongshan and Continuing Education, Suzhou is located in Suzhou City, West Village on the 20th, but found that there has been deserted. School doors ajar, low wall sign on the door had been concealed weeds. School,ralph lauren homme pas cher, everywhere dilapidated scene, the original Ming floor dormitories have not students live on the first floor with wire wrapped glass doors. The first floor of another building fraternity floor canteen, but it actually posted the second floor corridor of the public security department, "Secret Star" rating plate. A Secret Service personnel are office told reporters, "Zhongshan and Continuing Education May moved out, the building has been leased Jinchang Suzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau."
The Secret Service said they did not know where they are going to move,, Zhongshan and Continuing Education, which is often the parents came to the school a few months the person in charge, "all things to complaints enrollment scam."
Deputy Director of Department of Education Office of Vocational Education and Social Education in Suzhou City, Mi Jian Hua Jieshao said, Suzhou Zhongshan Learning Institute are private non-academic educational institutions, "according to regulations, as long as the private non-academic educational institutions approved, can cooperate with universities to set up school teaching points . "
But Mi Jian Hua said, Suzhou Zhongshan Learning Institute is currently replacing the school site, in this process, not enrollment, "we have not received the school's application materials, the school does not know where to move."
And Gu Kai, admitted Suzhou Zhongshan Learning Institute has not to do. "Not moving, is the original school building was replaced out,, there is no place to find another school, the student is no longer enrolled."
Competent authorities say
Students registered omission, should pursue the relevant personnel responsibilities
The day before yesterday, the reporter repeatedly contact telephone Soochow University Propaganda Department who verify its Suzhou Zhongshan Continuing Education loan Soviet school grounds, as well as alleged in the complaint letters the school computer training center "Guzhu Ren" is involved. But as of press time yesterday, reporters, the other party has not responded.
Yesterday, Suzhou City Board of Vocational Education and Social Education Department Deputy Director Mi Jian Hua told reporters, Suzhou City Board of Education has begun to investigate the matter. "Since Shandong Polytechnic College recognized these students, at least you can prove that this is not a recruitment scam," Mi Jian Hua said, "to find links which lead to underreporting of students registered, and to hold relevant personnel responsibilities."
There have been frequent in recent years for student recruitment scam deep phenomenon, Mi Jian Hua reminded students and parents in completing the volunteer, be sure to refer to "admissions magazine", can not believe street advertising, or the name of the university under the banner of training institutions. "Anything that involves 'most', 'employment package' and other words, are generally false advertising." Mi Jian Hua said, does not rule out there will be some joint schools, school teaching points enrollment situation, parents can not be found in the "Admissions magazine" in to its presentation, and distinguish between true and false is unknown, you can go directly to the educational administrative departments consulting, "Be sure to get the exact answer to fill."
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