and Sun Jian Liang Bin

Sun Jian Nanjing Tangshan residents told this newspaper yesterday reflected 96096: 7 November morning, he drove to an acquaintance of a family of six ports to hospital. I did not expect to be stopped by three or four people, he insisted that he drive a black car. Acquaintances families anxious to get to the hospital to see their loved ones, casually said something, might give 100 yuan fuel costs. But this led to Sun Jian vehicle detained. Later, the passengers said they did not know, because the car was not looking for them. Friends hearts of guilt, Sun Jian to accompany the initiative KeGuanChu complaint handling center to explain the situation, but the latter refused to reception. Yesterday, reporters to investigate the matter.
[Drivers] to send the complaint to the hospital by acquaintances as a black car
Yesterday snow early in the morning, went to the passenger and Sun Jian Complaint Center is located at 129 Daming Road. This is his fifth since November 7 times here. Lift through November 7, the Sun Jian angry.
"That morning, Liang Bin friend to me and said he had a car accident cousin Liang Wen Military General Hospital, I'm afraid, asked me to drive a trip to Liang Wen's family a total of six people to the hospital." Sun Jian in Tangshan clothing store opened in our town, in July bought a Wuling light vehicles. Liang Bin open glass shop, the two close together, usually a good relationship. I heard the Ka out of the event, Sun Jian apart from anything else,, pick up the car keys out the door. Around 8:30 in the morning, carrying his brother Liang Liang Wen-kun 6 people came to Military Hospital.
Car just stop, not turn off, suddenly emerge three or four people around the curb. "They let off, turn off, I would not, they would reach in from the front passenger seat window, pull the key."
Sun Jian, said he initially thought it met the "living haunted", drawn up on law enforcement vehicles,, and they knew each other is Nanjing KeGuanChu black car inspection brigade. Liangjia six people were pulled Wuling light his van behind.
Sun Jian told reporters repeat the circumstances:
"They asked me where the car is off, to close the others how much money, I said the confiscation of money and friends in a hurry to help it, not talk about anything about the money."
"They do not believe me, take me one way or another law enforcement vehicles, constantly pressed, I do not recognize, had a falling out with them. After a while, a uniformed man came over and said, people have acknowledged the passengers, 100 dollars round-trip fare. They make signing,, also took the camera to shoot at me, I refused to sign, the car detained. "
Sun Jian was told, on suspicion of illegal operations,Louboutin Baskets Femme, his car was temporarily detained seven working days to Daming Road Management Office Complaint processing center deal with the matter.
Sun Jian said that the car was detained, he immediately ran into the hospital building to find Liang Kun, asked him how to say the inspection team. Liang Kun is explained this way: with those who say he is a friend of the car, not the money, those who do not believe, has been asked, do not say do not let go, he was particularly anxious, sister-in-law cried next in order to get out, had to say oil Money certainly is going to give points. Sun Jian Liang Kunan comfort, he turned to talk to those who have to explain, to help him get back to the car.
In the morning, Sun Jian arrived Daming Road, complaint handling center, but falls on Saturday, do not go to work. November 9, with Sun Jian Bin Liang, Liang Kun came to complaint handling center, but the staff never let Liang brothers door. He repeatedly begged one week surnamed staff want them listening to the words of another brother Liang judge, but the other said not need to do the investigation. November 10, KeGuanChu Du Chake A section chief surnamed Xu received Sun Jian, but still refused to see Liang brothers.
Yesterday under the snow, the cold weather, thinking about the car early in the morning against the wind Sun Jian came Daming Road 129. Staff advised him not to make excuses to avoid punishment, because the day of the incident, video and passengers have been sufficient to establish his record operating illegally. Sun Jian very unhappy,, helpless to leave.
Sun Jian, the reporter saw, he was rubbing his hands standing complaint handling center downstairs, no umbrella, hair and clothes have been wet snow. In recent days the experience has made him exhausted. "I have time to come, legs run off, the store also attend to things can not be resolved now. My friend's brother did not rescue came, died, and their family are very miserable , I am sorry to bother old people, sick of it! "
[Passengers] were induced responses, was uncomfortable
Reporters investigating the matter in a few relevant figures that, Liang Kun is the day law enforcement officers were questioning the passengers, Bin Liang Liang Tong Kun brother, and Sun Jian Liang Bin, an old acquaintance, was in a car accident in the Military General hospital rescue people called Liang Wen (because she died), Liang Liang Kun exchange a brother.
Yesterday afternoon, the reporter first called the Bin Liang phone. "These two days, I went to the funeral home was busy cooking cousin's funeral, also without regard to this matter it is the third day I heard the car detained Sun Jian, Sun Jian too familiar and I are in the streets ? the shop, there is no pay do not pay, he would not earn me the fare, not to mention they not give money, how can you say that he is a black car it illegal operation "Liang Bin said:" My cousin Liang Kun a humble man, do not know will not give you the money, I was and Liang Kun said, do not bother with anything later date, just use the car. "
Liang Bin have cars, but went to Shanghai, the 6th night Liang Wen-wife back from Nanjing Sihong, no car to take, to find a Sun Jian help. 7, go to the hospital, we had to use the van,, and invited Sun Jian.
Liang Bin said he and Sun Jian uncle is very good, Sun Jian open children's clothing store, he opened a glass shop, get along very well. Cousins after the accident,Louboutin Plates-forme, he invited anyone to help Sun Jian, Sun Jian readily agreed that she did not talk about money.
Subsequently, the reporter linked to the beam-kun. Liang Kun said that the Military General Hospital, he was in uniform who bring the car for questioning, in the absence of shooting, law enforcement officials asked him to sit Sun Jian major car not to pay? "In the beginning, I said that did not pay, I do not know why you ask me these words, my thoughts all in the hospital, thinking about my brother, and sister-in-law had been crying, I was very anxious." Liang Kun paused, then said, "They asked in the end there is no pay, say clearly let off, I said you should pay some petrol it, they asked how much to pay in the end,Louboutin Soirée, I said it might be 100, then they repeat such questioning and use the camera shot down. "According to Liang brother said,, so-called" 100 yuan petrol, "did not talk about in advance, and afterwards simply did not give. Sun Jian that the car was detained, Liang Kun heck, he says, feel they have been induced to say the "wrong thing."
[Correspondent survey] does have a passenger on record signature
Sun Jian after receiving a complaint, the reporter yesterday 10:30 came off the tube at the center of complaints handling information. A male staff member confirmed that Sun Jian car detained facts and evidence presented transcripts and videos of passengers.
Reporters saw the video, law enforcement officials ask, Liang Kun answer one. When law enforcement officers asked the fare is not 100 yuan, Liang Kun answered "yes" before the obvious hesitation, also said "I have talked about ......" but did not say much. Passengers transcripts show that from Tangshan to the Military General Hospital and forth twice, driving the two sides on a good charge 100 yuan, Liang Kun signed.
Sun Jian and Liang reporter will be reflected faithfully relayed brothers, asked whether the center for further investigation. The staff did not respond positively, but the default is no reception Liang brothers.
Reporter asked, "black car" processes. The staff said, the team suspected vehicle inspection, provided that they meet two conditions can be initially identified as an illegal operation, and withheld the vehicle: (1) No operations qualification. (2) the existence of the collection of fees. After deduction of the case to complaint handling center, to further verify the verification by the Centre, such as clear evidence, the facts are clear that illegal operators recognized the fact that there may be issued to the driver penalty decision. Any driver who refuses to accept, can seek legal redress.
"As long as you can meet two conditions initially identified as black car, if these two conditions are too broad? If you have an emergency, please acquaintance drove a ride, then a courtesy to some petrol,Louboutin Bottines, whether he was caught operating illegally? "Reporters asked. The staff there is no clear answer.
Reporters asked: driver any objections with passengers over interpretation, complaint handling center reception or not? If the center that the case has hidden secrets, how will complement investigation? Is there a record on video can be convicted? Not to investigate occupational driver, vehicle use?
The above problems,, the staff have no clear answer.
[KeGuanChu behavior in response to the presence of illegal trading]
Yesterday afternoon, the reporter will manuscript by e-mail sent to Nanjing Management Office, where an evening 8:00 Deng made an oral reply.
Management Office said on November 7, law enforcement officers in the Military General Hospital investigated when Sun Jian Su AVD310 driving passenger van, enforcement procedures are legitimate, open terminate single act is in line with regulations, there is no so-called " inducement "circumstances. The case facts are clear, the evidence is conclusive, Sun Jian existence of illegal trading behavior.
KeGuanChu mention a very important detail - law enforcement officers stopped the car, clearly heard Sun Jian told Liang Kun, let him not to mention money. Management Office said, can be seen from the video data, Liang Kun in the face of law enforcement officers when asked, and looked very natural, not like to be "inducement." Sun Jian's case both audio and video data, but also record the evidence is conclusive.
Interview, the reporter Management Office initiative to provide the brothers Liang number for further verification, but was turned down. Management Office, said the black car to investigate first-hand evidence prevail, namely video, record, and afterwards not investigate to passengers, this is because of the possibility, in practice, drivers and passengers,Louboutin Souliers Plat, "collusion" is great. "If every passenger checked regarded as the driver called estoppel, investigate illegal operations in the future will be very difficult."
For a reporter's question, "How can I tell for profit of the illegal operation and there is a certain return of friendship driving" problem, KeGuanChu answer is this: the identification of illegal operations include the following: No operating license, engage in illegal business with fees or talk about price form and presence transport behavior. Friendship occupants must be free, once charged, whether in the form of cash or other form, strictly speaking, they are considered illegal trading. Reporters asked: Do acquaintance sent me, I helped him refuel be considered? The source said, strictly speaking, be considered, now fashionable "ride", in fact, not formal. But he admitted that life does exist a large number of paid friendship driving,, it can not and should get to the bottom too. But we must note that this can easily be abused black car. (Except complainant alia a pseudonym) told reporters Chen Shanshan Ren Guoyong
Say a no no bait hook just confused
This car is not part of the black car, passenger management department responded very clearly and enforcement procedures inspectors also legitimate, not Shanghai "fishing" Case hooks and bait. But there is a little confusion editor.
Nanjing yesterday snow, can not ride a bike, bus squeeze into. Snow in the sky, how can hope to have a car stopped in front of me, the driver kindly move me on the train. So he gave me a warm life. I might give the car driver 10 dollars, right when playing. At this point if out several inspection that private owners of illegal operators, a number of fines that can really make the kind help my riders Nanbian up. Although the hateful black car, but we hope that law enforcement agencies to rectify the passenger market at the same time, do not twist the driver's goodwill. Here, the editors can only hope that the van is really a black car, or will be confused life. Ji Qi Lei
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